The Ripsaw M3, Textron Systems’ high-speed unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), has captured the imagination of military enthusiasts and defense experts for years. But despite its impressive specs—modularity, stealth capabilities, anti-tank missile integration—and years of development, why hasn’t it made it to the battlefield? In this video, I explore the history of the Ripsaw series, its features, and why it remains stuck in the prototype phase.We’ll discuss the recent showcasing of the Ripsaw M3 armed with anti-tank missiles, why I believe the platform is more defense contractor showpiece than battlefield-ready asset, and the challenges autonomous vehicles face in modern militaries. From the U.S. Army’s RCV program to international interest—or lack thereof—this is the definitive breakdown of the Ripsaw M3.If you’re curious about military technology, defense contractors, and the future of UGVs, this is the video for you. #RipsawM3#militarytechnology #UGVs#DefenseContractors#TextronSystems#FutureOfWarfare#Matsimus

The Ripsaw M3: The Defense Contractor’s Showpiece or Future of Warfare? UGV UNKNOWN
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