– Made in collaboration with the International Spy Museum -Keith Masback, former Director of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Integration for the US Army, explains how to understand satellite imagery, and provides a few tips and tricks for what people like him are generally looking for. Keith talks about how to tell man-made and natural environments apart from each other and breaks down what typical military routines from other countries looks like. Satellite imagery also courtesy of Planet Labs Inc. You can check out their website here: https://planet.com/Salt Lake City, Utah 40.7608° N, 111.8910° WRio Olympic Village:51.4869° N, 46.2118° ERiyadh Province, Saudi Arabia22.7554° N, 46.2092° ENorth Platte, Nebraska:41.1403° N, 100.7601° WNile River Delta30.91° N, 31.20° EKarakul Lake, Tajikistan39.0416° N, 73.3473° ENaypyidaw, Myanmar19.7633° N, 96.0785° EChiribiquete National Park, Colombia:0.7460° N, 72.7386° WRondônia, Brazil:11.5057° S, 63.5806° WSite of Amazon deforestation:9.325917° S, 65.897778° WNewfoundland and Labrador, Canada53.1355° N, 57.6604° WFort Bragg:35.1415° N, 79.0080° WShayrat Air Base34.5012° N, 36.8981° ECrimean Peninsula:45.3453° N, 34.4997° ECamp 25, North Korea, 200541.833503° N, 129.726206° ECamp 22, North Korea, 200242.545675° N, 129.914436° EBlack Rock Desert, Nevada:40.9107° N, 119.0560° WOyu Tolgoi mine: 43.0253° N, 106.8665° EBay of Bengal:13.5317° N, 87.5396° ENew Delhi:28.6139° N, 77.2090° EFaafu Atoll:3.2309° N, 72.9461° EIceberg A-74:26.25° W, 75.12° SLondon:51.5074° N, 0.1278° W
Spy Satellite Expert Explains How to Analyze Satellite Imagery | WIRED
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