There are different Bunker Buster bombs of different caliber but what set’s it apart from the rest is this G B U 57 which is typically delivered by the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber.Due to the bomb’s large size and weight, the aircraft can carry only two of these weapons in its bomb bay compartments.While it lacks thrusters, the weapon is equipped with four active lattice fins and a precision guidance system that enables it to glide accurately to its target using military-grade GPS.Constructed from a specially designed high-performance steel alloy, using it’s weight when falling under gravity to penetrate or dig itself up to 200 feet of underground soil or concrete.This is equivalent to a 20-story building before detonating, triggered by two advanced re engineered fuses causing a Mini Earthquake inside these bunkers.
How a Bunker Buster Bomb Works?
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