In a nutshell, the arsenals of both the US and Russia are at parity with a slight edge to Russia when it comes to raw warheads. Although whether those warheads work is arguable. Russia does have some slightly newer delivery systems.However, these tactics are used by people to scaremonger about Russia in the vein of “What if Russia Nukes Us” when they never quite explain what that looks like. If you take the 5 possible scenarios of Russia using a nuclear weapon:1. Nuclear weapons could be used to create a gap in enemy defenses and the enemy would push through the gap to break through.2. Nuclear weapons could be used to stop an advance of an enemy force.3. Nuclear weapons would be a good choice for destroying a command bunker that is deep underground.4. Nuclear weapons would be a good choice for destroying an aircraft carrier battle group.5. And nuclear weapons would be a good choice to destroy an amphibious landing or major river crossing.The only real scenario would be #2, which would be unlikely since Ukraine has not been able to conduct a breakthrough.Elbridge Colby isn’t a bad guy. I’m just going to chalk this up to him being more concerned about China.
Elbridge Colby is wrong about Russia and Nuclear Weapons
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