
Armored Cabin Military CraftThe ARESA 1300 SENTINEL II model is a product specially designed for transporting personnel at high speed, with maximum comfort and with the appropriate protection measures. Equipped with an integral armour system throughout its cabin, including glass and access doors, it provides total security against any attack with an automatic weapon at short and long distances.This vessel reaches speeds of 35 knots sustained with its twin 300 hp version and speeds approaching 50 knots with its triple 300 hp outboard version. Equipped with thermal and night vision sensors and various defence systems on request.This vessel can also be supplied in quadruple outboard system configurations with the power required for each particular customer and suitable for the missions to be executed.Qualities such as its great maneuverability and its outstanding stability in adverse sea conditions, give this model the most suitable characteristics for the high speed transport of strategic personnel in total security conditions.ARESA SHIPYARD since 1961ón naval de embarcaciones profesionales hasta 60 metros de esloraNaval construction of professional boats up to 60 meters in lengthDefence and surveillance vesselsARESA SHIPYARD is a world leading ship builder specialized in military and defence vessels .Having more than 50 years of experience in this sector. We build a wide range of vessels, ranging from 60-meter-long OPV , IPV PATROLS , defence patrol boats to RHIB military boats, as well as coastal surveillance patrol boats and military interceptor vessels that provide support to different navies worldwide , applying cutting-edge military marine engineering technology in all our models.Ocean patrol ship ops Offshore patrol vessel opvOffshore patrol vessel opvMilitary landing craft Inshore patrol vessel ipvLanding craftHigh speed interceptor craftHigh speed coastal patrol boatCoastal patrol boatMilitary armored interceptorMilitary open interceptor Cabin military craft rfbMilitary open outboard rfb Inboard military craft rfb Auxiliary craft Commandos rhibMilitary auxiliary rfbSpecial intervention craft rfb

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