In the ever-evolving landscape of military technology, laser weapons have transitioned from speculative fiction to formidable reality. Watch four groundbreaking advancements in directed-energy technology, each marking a significant milestone in the future of defense.On January 2023, Lockheed Martin unveiled their DEIMOS laser weapon system, achieving “first light” and signaling a crucial step towards operational deployment. This momentous development promises to integrate laser technology into Stryker combat vehicles, reshaping the capabilities of modern combat.Decades of research culminated in a dramatic leap forward with the Tactical Airborne Laser Pod. This revolutionary technology, poised to enable combat planes to intercept and neutralize threats at the speed of light, underscores a new era in aerial defense, transforming the conventional approach to threat engagement.In a unique twist on non-lethal weaponry, the PHASR (Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response) rifle emerged as a cutting-edge solution designed to temporarily incapacitate targets without inflicting permanent harm. Modeled after the concept of “setting phasers to stun,” this rifle represents a significant advancement in minimizing collateral damage while maintaining operational efficiency.The Active Denial System represents a bold approach to non-lethal crowd control and perimeter security. By emitting a beam of concentrated energy to induce discomfort, this technology aims to protect military bases and manage crowds with minimal escalation. Despite its groundbreaking design, it has navigated its share of controversy and challenges, particularly following a critical incident in 2007.
4 Shocking Declassified Laser Weapon Tests
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