A video that surfaced on the Ukrainian Telegram Channel RAGNAROCK PRIVET shows a unit of alleged Ukrainian special forces assaulting a Russian position despite having a Russian Hind overhead.The Telegram Channel does not give any specific background information about the footage and has not disclosed any location or involved unit so everything we can say about this video comes from the footage itself.What we get from the video is that It seems that Ukrainian forces where in the offensive in this particular engagement advancing towards a previous spotted Russian position in a what appears to be a small forest or bigger treeline.The men seem to be very well eqipped with suppressors and scopes on their AK type assault rifles and their overall behaviour looks very professional and organized.They seem to have good communication during the engagement and make good use of concealment. Even as a Russian Hind helicopter appeared they stayed focused and every men did his part.At the end of the video you can see what appears to have been the decision to break contact but we can not confirm this for sure.

🔴 Ukrainian Special Forces Assault Russian Position Despite Having Russian Hind Helicopter Overhead
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