After being taken and subsequently returned by the British in 1940 and completing several missions in the Atlantic, the French Surcouf submarine and its seasoned crew were sent to Bermuda in January of 1942. However, the Allied forces soon lost contact with her. The Surcouf was the largest submarine the Allied forces had at their disposal against the Axis, and she wasn’t just a regular one, but an experimental cruiser model.This colossus of the sea could carry a floatplane, two 8-inch guns, machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, and 10 heavy torpedoes that were feared by anything that came in her path.When Surcouf disappeared, both the Kriegsmarine and the Japanese Navy admitted that they did not sink her, raising suspicions and igniting several theories as to what may have happened to the most potent Allied submarine in the world…

The World’s largest Submarine before WW2 – The French Submarine Surcouf
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